seasons don't fear the reaper - p


          There was something about this male that seemed a little... off. Asha couldn't quite put a paw on it, but there was something about him, something like a vibe, that wasn't entirely there or just wasn't good. The oldest Amara daughter had a miraculous ability to pick up on people's moods, but this person sort of confused her. Especially with his reply, which was quite bluntly put and said nothing more about the commentary of the morning or his state of being awake so early than usual for anyone around the tribe lands. "One word for it? Then what's the rest of it?" She said with a tilt of her head, wondering what he was referring to exactly.

          To this, she couldn't help but arch her own red hued brow to him. Was he trying to blow her off, or was something deeper the matter? Well, whatever the case, Asha was going to attempt to make him talk. If anything, she was bored by the norm of things and conversations. "I don't know, I just like seeing the sunrise on some mornings. Not too many get the opportunity to see a sunrise, it's usually all about sunsets nowadays, don't you think?" The red she-wolf attempted to be conversational, completely sidestepping his initial response. It compelled her even more, however, to wonder what this male was doing up so early when he didn't seem to have anything else to do (he was just standing around when she walked up to him, after all). Whether it was to talk about nonsensical things, it was a lot better than nothing, or just standing there feeling those weird, confusing vibes from him. "What's your name? Haven't really seen you around these parts before I left..." Asha trailed off, her amber eyes roving over his figure, analyzing and observing him more so.


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