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"Alright then mis--I mean Geneva." He said with a nod and a chuckle, he was so used to being polite to people, that being informal felt weird, it was a change for Ty, but something he was easy to jump into. When she told him where her name came from, he cocked his head in curiosity, furrowing his brow and scratching the golden-orange fur on his head. "Huh....I've never been to Geneva must be a really nice town though!" Ty responded with genuine enthusiasm, then came the question he heard most commonly around here. Was he related to someone here? He always had to respond to this question every time he met someone new in Pheonix Valley, and he was never shy to as well, in fact, he enjoyed telling people who he was related to. " might know my father, Davinci, or my sister Skylar." He responded with a nod. "Other then those two, I don't have any relatives here."

He already felt quite at home here in Pheonix Valley, despite it not being too long since he got here, and Geneva was a nice addition to the people he was beginning to know. She seemed mature, friendly, and calm, which felt nice to Ty. He'd met so many people who were young and wild, that someone like Geneva was a nice balance, Ty was beginning to feel right at home here, good news for him.

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