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"Oh...oh that's terrible!" Ty said as he laid down nearby, intrigued and excited to keep up the talk. "To think you would be attacked, how awful!" He sighed. "but...the world is a cruel and scary place sometimes, hell, I've got a few scars of battle to show for it." He joked chuckling, but he wasn't lying about it, sure enough, there were assorted scars on his body directly linked to combat with others. "'s good to know my dad is a hero, sort of, he's been scatterbrained recently, but I'm glad he was there to help you out." He smiled warmly as he curled up slightly into more of a ball shape, the breeze for some reason was getting to him today.

"Me and my sister just came back from our own separate adventures, that's probably why you haven't met my sister yet." Ty said as he perked his head up. "I became a hardworking, honest sailor, who worked around the world, but mostly stationed in Asia." He paused slightly, thinking back on those days of the ocean, the smell of the sea, the freedom he felt. Course with that, he remembered the risks. "We traded there in exchange for martial arts training to fight the pirates who kept attacking our ships...lot of battles out there...lotta blood...we had to be the best fighters out there to survive..." He paused again, not looking particularly sad, just discontent, before quickly shrugging it off. "But now I'm here, and I have those experiences to help the pack, the good and the bad ones." He smiled, then cocked his head, why did he just blurt all that information out at once? It's not like any of it was prompted, he didn't need to share with Geneva that he had been in fights. Maybe it was because he felt he could trust her with this information, share it without feeling bad, she seemed very trustworthy to him.

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