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Ty was nearby when he heard the scream, he knew that voice, yet he couldn't place it right now. However, that didn't mean he wouldn't spring to their aid, after all, Ty almost always helped a person in need, and this was no exception. Now in wolf form, he rushed toward the scream, to which he heard the roar of a familiar creature, something deadly and fierce.

A mountain lion, he immediately knew the danger the person was in, pumas were deadly and vicious when out on their own, and from the sound of it, she had definitely startled the creature. Bounding through the woods, he used every bit of strength and quickness he had to try and catch up to the situation, with each passing second this person could die, Pumas weren't known for toying with food, they were known for killing them.

When Ty did catch up to the action, he saw a pup, one he fondly remembered, Rendall to be exact, and the puma. He could see that the creature had already wounded the poor pup, and was getting ready for the final strike, which would end the poor pup's right. Without a second of hesitation, Ty leaped into action, fangs and claws ready for battle. If it was something Ty was good at, it was fighting, and he would use that here to defend someone he thought of as family. The puma turned to find Ty lunging right for it, and could barely prepare itself before Ty collided with the creature, sending both of them hurdling away from the pup. The mass of the two creatures went tumbling a few feet away, with Ty having a firm grip of the beast's chest in between his teeth, in which he began to pull away as the chest using his claws as leverage, he could hear the beast screaming and hissing as he yanked on the soft flesh. However, he could feel the beast's lethal claws digging into his back and sides, trying to push him away, sending fur and blood scattering. Eventually, the puma used enough strength to push Ty away, sending him rolling back to face off with the puma as it rose for another go.

During this face off, Ty shouted out to Rendall "Rendall, get away from here!" He said before charging the Puma again, aiming for the throat, he could see that the beast was going to do the same. Both beasts again clashed in a mass of teeth and claws, gnawing, biting, raking at each other. This time it was Ty who pulled away, even though he was small enough to have avoided most of the Puma's claw strikes, he didn't want to keep up the force-meets-force with the puma.. Ty had already dealt a devastating blow to the puma with the chest bite, and it was already slowing down along with the other wounds Ty had dealt the beast. As for Ty, he had been scratched and clawed on his back and sides by the beast's frantic movements to push Ty away. Ty knew those would scar, but he wouldn't back down an inch Ty was squaring off with the beast so he could use the terrain to his advantage, being lighter and quicker, he could outmaneuver the large cat, ad he would use that to his advantage.

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