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Xeris hadn't meant to come across this odd scuffle, but she too had been near the area and upon hearing it was suddenly worried about what was going on. Her eyes widened when she saw poor Rendall lying on the ground, and she looked over at Ty who was fighting her attacker. She was suddenly in a state of panic. What should she do? Should she go get help? She didn't want to leave the two alone in such danger, but she didn't know what she could do to help right now. Thinking quickly, she shifted to optime form and knelt down beside Rendall.

"Ty!" she cried to him as she lifted the injured pup into her arms. "I've got Rendall, I'm going to see if I can help her!" Cradling the pup in her arms, she looked around for something that she could use to bandage her wounds. But she wasn't a doctor or a healer, she didn't have much experience. Her heart was pounding; if Xeris screwed up, it could cost the Rendall her life and the white wolf would never forgive herself.

She looked around and noticed a small puddle of water from a recent rainfall; carefully she dipped her hands into it and began to wash her friend's wounds. There were several large gashes on Rendall's leg from the cat's teeth; they were still bleeding a little. She had to find something to stop the bleeding. In a rush, she reached over and grabbed some leaves from a nearby bush, which she pressed against the small pup's fur. Xeris didn't know what else to do. If this didn't work, it would be all over for Rendall. Xeris felt tears come to her golden eyes as she put as much pressure against the wound as possible, praying that the little pup would be all right...

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