living canvas
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Haven felt his cheeks grow warm at Firefly's words. There wasn't much that embarrassed the kid, but talking about that sort of thing did tend to get him flustered. Not only was he almost wholly inexperienced, which meant he was mostly ignorant, but it wasn't something he was entirely comfortable with. Knowing that his father had committed such a grievous wrong in that intimate area of life made him wary of it. It made him nervous of not being able to keep his desires in check and going farther than he should. Thankfully he had never been in that situation so far and while it was something he wanted to experience he was anxious about it. It was where the shadow of his sire hung the heaviest and darkest around him because it was all unknown.

Her reaction to him voicing their relation was a little surprising, though not entirely. This was Firefly after all. Haven let a crooked grin mold his lips as she talked about relatives being people that were supposed to teach you the right things in life. "I doubt you'd be any worse than DaVinci. I got him to pierce my ear and I had my first drinks with him. Actually I got obliterated. But I think I've turned out pretty alright despite that. I don't think you could do me any harm that way." He could be wrong, he still didn't know the fiery woman that well, but he didn't think she could possibly be as bad as she was trying to make herself sound. "But if that's the way you want it, then that's fine. You won't hear me calling you "auntie" or anything." Like he really would have ever dared refer to her as that.

The young Knight nodded his head as she explained what everything was. There seemed to be a little bit of everything in the wagon. Everything a luperci could ever want to accessorize their appearance, at least. When she said that she could though his face lit up. "I think I'd like the dyed fur. I want it to be visible. I was thinking maybe a design with a dragon? On my right wrist maybe?" His right hand was his sword hand, so it would be perfect! At the tease she threw at him he only grinned right back. "I'm not one to look back, only forward." At least when it came to the things he did to his body.


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