Sugar and spice and puppy-dog tails
[html]Sorry for the wait, guys. My internet was down, and then I had exams. ;;

There had been little to do. He had not found anyone to play with, and it seemed that all of his friends were never around anymore. Maybe they had forgotten about him, just a faded memory. How hard could he be to forget about, after all? At that thought, a frown crept its way over his lips. Banishing those thoughts the best he could, he continued to strut his way around the territory, head held high. He was in a pleasant mood, despite his boredom, and the rather negative thoughts that plagued his mind.

A bird squawked ungracefully from its perch in a tree, and Merit's indigo eyes snapped to the creature's location. He grinned. I'm going to get you... he announced cheerfully, although quietly as to not disturb his prey. Creeping silently to the side of the tree, he waited for the dark bird to make its way groundward. Even if he had to wait all day.


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