Sugar and spice and puppy-dog tails
no problem! <3


She bounded along beside the coyote girl, her elegant amber tail swaying behind in exuberance and listened to the chatter, interjecting her own at times. "Some of our trees are taller than this, still! They go up so high I can't see all the way up. Once a wolf fell out of one while I was walking underneath." Her eyes flashed in amusement at this. As for the rest, Legacy didn't speak with pride, so much as with contentment. She was sure there were many amazing places to see in the world, and would like to do so, but Jaded Shadows was more than adequate a home. Legacy's green eyes, though she didn't know it, were part of quite a tradition there - reflecting the spring-green leaves, reflecting memories in the bark of similar-eyed monsters and matriarchs beyond the puppy's recollection.

But despite her enthusiastic bearing, she was still dubious as to whether their goal was achievable - namely to find her brother. There was something self-possessed about the boy - he was capable, independent, to put it simply, he could be anywhere in the lands. Then her nose suddenly sent an electric pulse to her brain, just a whiff of a scent but still it was recognisably Merit. Following the trailing impression, the slender golden girl ran, so delicately it was almost dancing over the snow towards where he must be, yelping a greeting.


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