A flight of fancy on a windswept field
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... leboat.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

ooc -

sorry for the wait! D: Even with two PMs (one to each of my accounts), I still forgot. XD;

ic -

Vigilante had watched the female enter the building, although he couldn't see what she was doing inside, as his vantage point did not allow him such a view. He had never entered any strange buildings such as these, but he supposed it couldn't be a bad idea, as the female had entered one. . . Unless, of course, the strange building was her home, and then he would just be intruding. His curiousity did get the better of him, though, and he left his perch and entered the building slowly through the same door she had, quietly and just as stealthily and he was used to acting. Despite how long it had been since he had denounced his profession, he still had not learned to make noise when moving.

"What is that. . . thing?" he asked before he could stop himself, staring incredulously at the beastly thing that stood before them. He was a few steps behind the female, and as an after thought, he hoped he wouldn't startled her by speaking out of seemingly nowhere. The pack he had been born into had been very. . . Shall we say, rustic? They had not lived in the old human things, but rather, as the olden-day wolves and feral dogs had, according to many books on the subject. The strange human things were something he would, indeed, need to become used to. But what was thatg monster object gleaming in front of them? What did humans do with something as obtrusive and awkward as that?


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