Bring me joy, bring me peace
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Storm clouds hung overhead, a nasty color that matched the deep sea. Gray as his coat and milled with the same blacks and highlights that had been painted though his own fur. And with their presence came rain, a light veil that cast a hazy shroud over the world his honey eyes gazed upon. It soaked the land he walked on, the sand clinging to his footpaws, the fur on his body fell smooth from the rain. Fingers worked through his damp tattered mane. It was wild and unruly as always, but he had cut it recently and the effort gave him a small dose of confidence.

He wondered why he had chosen such a day to venture back into the packlands even if it always seemed to be raining. He did not fear this place; well more so he did not fear the consequences of his entry. The last battle he had waged left him slightly battered and bruised. New scars along his face where evidence of it. They would heal and the fight had been a short but fulfilling one, but the lanky male was finding it harder to recover from the scuffles and no smile came to his face as he thought of them. He walked easily through the boarder, the familiar scent filling him as the air changed. It was hard to ignore the feeling this place gave. Security. Comfort.

The journey was short, and Heath passed the place where he had met the owner of these lands and walked beyond the sandy beach. The sound of the high tide drifted from his ears, though it still could be heard if he searched for it. The soft tapping of the rain, and the quiet sounds of the thin tree line and his light form moving though the undergrowth filled his ears. The house stood among the nature born things, and he stopped. He looked at it as if he hadn’t expected it to be there, right where he had left it weeks ago. He had been hiding her from his mind and memory, though now there was nothing else that filling his thoughts.

Eyes on the front door, the male gathered his composure and thought hard on what he would say and what his reason for being here was. Stepping from the shelter of the trees he walked silently towards the porch. Stopping before the steps Heath lost all confidence. It was foolish, he didn’t belong here and it was wrong for him to seek her out. A paw went to his face, and he cringed at the harsh touch against the new cuts along his cheek. He turned to leave before he embarrassed himself, and as he did a figure came to view. Beside the house, not far form where he had met her and in a similar position. Mind frozen in place the male found his body moving, turning to face her. And then he was closer, though not too close.

He smiled, though only from the knowledge that she was indeed before him instead of another pack member. Unable to yet recognize that she was far from well he spoke, Hello Ruri. and as the words passed through his mouth his smile disappeared, for she wasn’t well.

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