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Ty was relieved to see that Rendall was taken away from the fight between him and the lion, now he knew there was nothing else to concentrate on then the lion itself, which was now very volatile and infuriated by Ty's interference. both combatants were bloodied and beaten, panting heavily as they squared off, their blood gushing from their wonds. Ty could taste the cougar's blood on his tongue, a bitter, yet tantalizing flavor. He could see on it's face that it was not going to back down or run away, it was out for blood. It was either him or the lion, and Ty had too much to live for to die by this creature's claw, so he had to think of a way to beat it. The cat, by nature's law, was bigger and stronger then Ty, no matter how much Ty worked at it, the puma was just made bigger then him, but Ty had cunning and experience on his side. Ty had a reputation of being a crafty fighter, which was why he was so good at it, he just needed an opportunity.

However, Ty was too busy in thought to notice when the puma suddenly lashed out at Ty with a large and heavy strike of it's paw, slamming Ty across the face. the claws of the beast didn't get a good hold, in fact, they only lightly scratched Ty's face to do minimal damage, but the whole strike disoriented Ty and sent him stumbling back. But that gave him the opportunity he needed, as he stumbled back, he noticed a very large and thick tree, which he would use to his advantage. He thought of another plan to undo the creature, and ultimatly kill it, but he had to act fast. Turning to the beast, he knew it would adavance on him, and now it was making a pass for his throat with another claw strike. Ty quickly attempted to roll out of the way, but he felt the puma's claws bite into his side, tearing a vicious line across his ribs and shoulder, maing him wince in pain as he felt more of his warm blood drip down his side. He backed away from the puma, limping from the last strike, making sure he got in position between the tree and the Puma, now preparing to enact his strategy, he prayed it would work, or he'd surely become the cougar's meal.

He suddenly began to snarl and bark at the puma, taunting it, egging it on to continue attacking. Now even more infuriated then before, the mountain lion responded with another heavy claw strike at Ty, who quickly jumped back to avoid the next few strikes the beast made. He was playing possum, maneuvering the creature into a spot he wanted. Eventually he found himself backed up against the tree, with apparently nowhere else to go. The puma, thinking it had one, began to crouch down for the killing blow, intending to pounce on Ty and overwhelm him with it's claws and teeth. But that would be it's undoing, Ty could read it's muscle movements, knowing it would leap at him, thinking Ty weaken and defenseless, but as the beast leaped at Ty to deal the final blow, Ty revealed that he had a trick up his leave. Reacting with expert precision and timing, he darted under the puma's leap, getting underneath the beast, and shifted into his optime form, taking advantage of the fact that he would have to stand up when he shifted. As he shifted, he pushed up on the puma in mid-air, using it's own momentum to fling the beast through the air into the tree behind him. The surprised mountain lion felt it's body fly through the air and crash into the tree with a wicked 'thud'. It slid down the trunk, dazed and temporarily incapacitated, it's spine was most likely lightly cracked along was quite a few broken ribs. At this moment Ty changed back into wolf form and pounced on the baffled beast, landing on it's back and beginning to scratch and tear at it's back. His teeth sinking into the back as his claws continued to rip off chunks of the puma's back, blood and fur going every which way, soaking into the ground and turning it red.

However, the cougar was not done yet, as Ty tore away at it's back, it suddenly turned it's head and caught Ty's front leg in it's teeth, making the young wolf howl in pain as he felt the horrid incisors sink into his flesh, rubbing against the bone. Being much stronger then Ty, the mountain lion used all of the strength in it's neck to pull Ty off of it, now sending Ty crashing into the tree trunk. He felt at least one rib crack, if not more, along with the wind being temporarily knocked out of his lungs. As he gasped for air, he felt that the puma had not let go of his leg, now attempting to tear at it, and sending one foul claw into his chest, sending a spurt of blood against the cougar's fur. Ty knew that if he continued to let this beast have a hold of his leg, it would remove it as a useful appendage, so Ty had to act quickly for the sake of his leg. Taking his free claw, he swung with ferocity as he sliced the cougar right across the face, raking it's eyes, blinding it. The puma lurched back, letting go of Ty's paw, as it screeched in pain from the scratch, placing one paw over it's now bleeding eyes, disoriented and in severe pain. Ty had this one chance to stop the cougar, his leg now stinging from the bite as he got back to his feet, his muscles crying out to stop. But Ty couldn't stop, not yet, this was the last attempt he would have. With everything he had left, he launched himself at the cougar, tackling it and pushing it to the ground. The disoriented beast was helpless now, and Ty launched his head forward into the mountain lion's throat.

It almost seemed surreal when Ty felt the puma's soft flesh in between his teeth, his fangs sinking right into the trachea. He hadn't expected the mountain lion to let him finish it, but he guessed it really didn't have a defense. The puma now was making gurgling noises, it's warm breath passing along Ty's body, yet slowing down. The puma knew it had been beat, the blood now drowning it's lungs, and with it's one good eye looked up to Ty with what Ty could only read as respect, an acknowledgment of Ty's skill and talent. With one final gurgling breath, the cougar's chest came to a stop, the live leaving it's body as it's eyes closed one final time. A few seconds passed, Ty eased up on the puma's throat and eventually let go. Pulling away to see his now fallen opponent. His mind was lost somewhere between bloodlust and sadness, the adrenaline still pumping through his veins, the mountain lion's blood still sitting in Ty's mouth, he could taste it. He felt overjoyed that he had won over his foe, prideful of his victory. But at the same time, he was upset and sad that he had to kill such a beautiful creature, even in death, he saw it's grace and beauty, it saddened him greatly.

He began to favor only three of his legs, while his wounded leg wasn't permanently damaged, it was still devastated beyond standing on it right now. Ty felt his body become heavy with the tires of the fight, the blood from the scratches on his face, back, and chest were now slowly stopping in their bleeding. He had become a mix of orange-gold and red fur, drenched in both the cougar's blood and his own. Suddenly, he stood on all fours and threw his head up in victory, unleashing a hellish howl across the winds, telling all those in Pheonix Valley who had won this fight. It was filled both with a warrior's pride and anguish, echoing across the land. He then limped over to the tree and laid down, now resting from his ordeal. He wouldn't make it far without a bit of rest, so it was imperative he rested now.

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