and now, reality.
Enigma couldn't help but roll his eyes at the words of his brother. "That's right, Jael's always right, there's nothing he can say that would ever be questionable." he said in a cocky voice before narrowing his eyes and turning those black orbs back to his sibling. "Why the hell are you here then if you have such low thoughts on coyotes.." What the hell was wrong with his sibling. They had never really got along but when their father had taken them from their weak excuse for a mother. He shook his head in disgust and took a few steps towards his sister.

"I don't care what our father did anymore. The clan is our family and all the family I need.." He raised his lips in dislike as he commented sourly. "If you don't want to be part of our family.. you can always leave." He really didn't care if his brother stayed or went. Either way he would serve as a reminder of the weaker side of their family. He sighed in disgust as he turned to look at Halo with a warped smile on his lips.

"So.. does Halo agree with our brother, or do you find as much fault in his cocky words as I do." He knew the male was trying to bait him but he didn't care, if they were going to scrap then they were going to do it off clan lands and if Jael was going to whine to Gabriel about it then before Enigma found himself in deeper trouble he'd really show his elder brother just what he was worth.

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