living canvas
Firefly had expected that the young boy didn't know much when it came to the more intimate nature of life. She'd learned at a young age but he was on the road to be a knight of valor, they weren't exactly know to sleep with everything sweet thing that came along. She smiled sweetly at the boy and turned her face away, letting the kid take his moment to figure out his place before she went on onto another subject.

She flicked her eyes at the male as he decided to comment on what she'd said about being his aunt. She knew she wasn't really his aunt in blood nor was DaVinci but she wasn't cruel enough to bring that to light. She couldn't help but laugh as he explained the trouble that DaVinci had got him into but still believing that he'd come out fine. She shook her head slowly and just chuckled. "Yeah, you're alright kiddo.." she agreed for a second before he went on to talk about not calling her auntie anytime soon. She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "I'd better not hear it around then.." she teased as she flicked her hair back and smiled.

When he seriously was beginning to consider getting a tattoo of sorts she smiled and grinned. "Let me make a few designs and see what you like.." She pulled a pad of paper and a pencil out of the wagon and began to etch some different designs of dragons, asking as she went on. "Do you want it to be one color, or do you want it to be detailed?" She doodled away as she waited for the boy to respond. If he wanted the tattoo she'd put it on him, atleast with dye there was no way it could hurt.

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