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Ty smiled as he again shook his body again, sending more water scattering away from his body. He then noticed that Asariel had walked out into the rain, and he couldn't help but observe that she had a stunning figure. She was indeed an attractive and beautiful woman, but Ty wasn't the most forward man, which is most likely because of his rather polite and innocent manner, so he didn't say anything about it. However, he couldn't shake the feeling she was giving him that same manner of look, that sort of attracted glance that Ty had thought he gave.

However, he heard her speak up about her hobbies, and he gave another genuine smile. "Why yes, that's very interesting." he chuckled lightly, he had caught the sarcasm in her voice, but sort of ignored it as he responded honestly. "I'd love to see one of your arrows, I bet they're very finely crafted." He chuckled as he splashed a puddle, sort of looking at his reflection in it as he did. "What other stuff can you make out of wood?" He asked her curiously, turning to her with his odd yellow-blue colored eyes, both colors giving off a certain shine.

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