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The woman smiled as she caught Ty's glance. She wasn't really used to being checked out, but she had to admit it was kind of nice. But, she couldn't help but feel guilty. If she was going to do it, she was going to toy with an innocent mans heart and hurt him. Asariel didn't have the guts to do that to him. She had what some would call a bleeding heart, something where she couldn't stand to do something for fear of another's feelings. She sighed softly and looked at Ty, considering what she wanted to do. Not was she should do, she never took that into consideration for one moment.

She looked at Ty again as he inquired about her woodwork. "Oh, well...not much, I'll admit. I made a couple of chairs once...or I should say I attempted to." she smiled. "But they fell apart not soon after. They weren't very sturdy. I've made a few flutes here and there. I'm not too terribly skilled at woodwork. Still learning and working out the kinks." She explained, looking at his eyes. He had nice eyes, she noticed. She liked his eyes. Though, she liked a lot about him.


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