the gold rush was a lie
Miriette had no clue what in the world to do, she had no way to explain to him that even living in a pack the small family had been loners. She sat there and just picked at a burr in her fur while the newest packmate she'd come across tried to pull her out of her shell. She'd heard in time that she would make it on her own but this boy who seemed to think that he could bring her out on his own was kindof amusing. She raised her eyes once more as she shrugged. "It who am.. I not use pack that wants me.. I'm not certain I wants here yet." She didn't want the boy to think it was his fault she wanted to be alone but none of this was easy for her.

When he tried to explain that he'd always been part of a big group she just nodded and let him speak on. She wrinkled her brow slightly as he mentioned that it saddened him to see others alone. I'll live." she said with a small smile as she tried to stop a yawn from emerging but failed. She turned her eyes back to the boy as she frowned and admitted. "I need sleeps.." she said suddenly before waving a hand at him. "go ways." She was just so damn polite.

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