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"Ah...that's an interesting tale." Ty said with a small nod and a whimsical smile, then he added with a bit of curiosity. "I've never been to california....what's it like over there?" He asked her as he noticed she was following hm down the newly made stream. He smiled softly to her as they went, and he couldn't help but feel like something was tearing her up inside, and he began to wonder what it was. Perhaps it had something to do with the way she stared at him, maybe there was something more she wanted to say to him, which was confusing, as she hadn't really asked a lot about him yet.

However, Ty was very much enjoying this wolf's company, her soft and calm attitude along with her charming mannerisms were very intriguing to Ty. He could see himself being very good friends with this woman, then he ended up tripping over a small stone and nearly falling over. But he quickly caught himself and blushed from the embarrassment of not watching where he was going.

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