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"Huh....well that's longer then I have been here...not counting when I was little, of course." He chuckled lightly, noticing how warm Geneva seemed, her calm and relaxed attitude was calming to Ty as well, and perhaps was making him more relaxed then he usually was. And yet, she smiled and said that having a defender in the valley was good, and that comforted Ty. Ty's specialty, although he didn't always like it, he knew he was good at fighting, so he'd at least have a place here when the time came.

Listening to Geneva he rolled back onto his belly and shook some of the dirt from his fur, although not all of it, as he had been rolling around a bit. Looking to Geneva, he smiled and said "I bet you've become a very big influence on this place, haven't you?" He asked her as his brushed off some more dirt.

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