Myself, My Keeper
before you tell yourself

it's just a different scene

Dierdre usually got along better with males than females; she was surprised at this....that she was enjoying talking to Selene. She liked to be of help whenever she could, and if she could help the littler girl even a bit, it would make her feel more accomplished. Like she was more useful. "I lived there once, a really long time ago...more than a year ago. I had an adopted father there that took care of me for a few months--Physe. He lived in Chimera with his mate, until the better part of the pack left. Then everything just sort of...fell apart. I think his mate's name was something with an R. Ronan? Romney? I'm not sure. But that's pretty much all I know about Chimera. After that my mother sort of...went crazy, and I left for a while."

"What's your mother like?"


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