That Search Has Ended

The silver tinted female understood so little about death. Only the vague meaning came to her mind as she thought of it. She did not know if it’s harsh tendencies, its greed and the inevitable peace. Could death truly be welcomed? Could it be salvation and the start of a brand new beginning? Or as it black and never-ending darkness? Of all the things Anu did not know about the Death Cwmfen understood, she knew about life. Anu knew the rights and wrongs the living brought. The pain and pleasure, the heartache. She was familiar with the blessings and the curses. She was no killer, but planted seeds and tended to them. She was a creator, a nurturer. Every aspect of living had yet to be experienced, but Anu could turn them over in her mind and understand. Questions arose and made her wonder, but, as she looked to the woman whose stomach showed her condition plainly, Anu understood. She always tried to, and if her own pain and selfishness did not blind her she usually succeeded in her effort. She saw the smile; maybe she had said something of worth. She watched her, taking in the bright eyes that locked onto her without mercy. Anu felt how delicate she had become, even if the warrior could not see it herself. And her words were soft and as slight as her figure. He would have left with you. Such a things was a choice of life too, not of death. It was a choice of living without. Onus would have died saving her or seeking revenge, that much Anu understood about the mysterious male.

The gardener and quiet defender looked at the spear wielding fey, her words almost lost to the sound of rustling leaves. She had traveled all the way to the boarder, defending it as if she wasn’t heavy with child. What Anu knew of a warrior’s life matched that of Death, but such things went hand in hand and so she could know neither. Cwmfen opened, giving Anu more then she had expected. She spoke of the monster, and Anu did not argue as she had with Onus. She had been ruthless to him, in her own opinion. She had let her voice rise in a way that she never had before him. It wasn’t often that Anu let her temper get out of her control, there were very few that brought such things out of her. Instead of being a shoulder to lean on, she had spoken as if he had no faith. But maybe there would be hope in his heart. But she was too weak of a beast to plant such beliefs in someone as strong willed as the masked man, or this woman. Life that should be celebrated. She spoke with a smile, she needed to try. To be a mother was something wonderful, even if the circumstances had been far from it. Still, Anu could not remove the belief that she carried the gift of her lover.

Yes, bittersweet. To taste the pain and the pleasure. To have something inside that brought memories of the pain she had endure was beyond Anu. But she was bold in her words, Does it feel like it, the darkness? Her eyes looked to the marking that accented her stomach. Would she be able to feel it? The power that possessed the monster, would it fill her too? Anu let her eyes return to the woman, maybe there was no way to tell.


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