If I could change, and keep the rain away
        Crouching within the darkness of a cave Jael watched the rain as it fell outside. Everything was so wet. When he was small he believed he remembered much more sunshine in his world, but he couldn't even be sure any longer. Rain was all he knew anymore, and it depressed the boy already haunted with dark thoughts. Finally, he rose, the rain having slowed to a faint mist. His pale coat was always drenched, hanging limp around his body and providing no warmth when the warm summer air was replaced with the cool chill of night from the cloudy days. The earth held no warmth despite the season, and the pale beast shivered faintly. Water finally stopped falling from the sky as he walked, steps squishing into the soft soil of the earth since turned to mud.
        His paws squelched through the muck, sticking between his toes and splattering his body with dark filth. But he was again used to it, despite despising it. A scent was alerted to his senses on the damp air before he spotted the strange she-wolf plodding along the beach. He paused where he was, watching her passage with only faintest interest, not being the type to approach every stranger with a smile and a handshake. Fiery eyes lingered on the girl, ensuring she meant no harm before he'd continue on his way.

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