Bring me joy, bring me peace
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I don’t care what account you use, the writing is all that matters. Big Grin !! <3

Gold eyes watched her, it was as if he couldn’t look away. He didn’t need to, she would not know if he stared. But it was more then just that knowledge; he saw the warm color rise in her face, only a hint of rose beneath the thin white fur that covered her cheeks. Part of him said to look away, but he didn’t. A small part of him wanted to touch the soft fur and feel the heat under it, but he didn’t do that either. He knew better then to touch her, though he needed to be reminded often. Her tone was light, and she smiled. It was then that his eyes tore from her face. He looked to the ground, as the feeling over came him. He wanted to make her smile. He wanted to make her blush, grin and laugh. The oddest part, the part he didn’t understand the most is that he didn’t care what it would make him. I like him very much. He grinned, thinking of her friend, their friend. He’s a great guy, and I think he liked me too. Honey hue orbs rested on her face, just in time to watch the grin fall from her face. He frowned as she did. And her words poured as he remembered they did from her soft mouth.

He didn’t like this. Didn’t like that she was upset and before he knew what was happening within him he was growing angry. This male, Haku Soul, how could he take advantage of her; use her for his own benefit. What sort of fiend would do such a thing? It was obvious that she was blind, and he used it to his advantage. As she spoke Heath was forced to look to the ground, knowing that he could not look at her with such intensity. He thought of Svara, the ragged young female who might have been beaten and scarred at the hand of this male. Her pause made him look again, and it was then that she spoke the worst of it. Heath did not want her to be angry with herself, and he did not want her to hate who she was. Her concern was a real one, one that he was sure he would feel if he had lost his sight. But she was not like him; she was too beautiful to ever be a burden on her packmates. Her trailing words led to her draw her legs close, hold her body together as if it was about to fall apart.

There was silence, and Heath found that he was calm and the rage that he thought was about to overwhelm him was controlled, though still very present. He shouldn’t have done that. Heath began, the anger seemed to flow through his words, but once they were in the air his fury left with them. He shouldn’t have taken advantage of you, Ruri. The words were lighter, easier. He even felt a sweetness in his tongue as he said her name. She took up too much space in his mind for him to even imagine what he would do to the male if he met him. Later he would think such grotesque thoughts. She hadn’t done anything wrong, she had only done what she could to survive and no one should be upset with her. Svara suddenly fell away as a friendly acquaintance. You should never to made to feel helpless. Be it a stranger or packmate. His eyes took her in, letting the feeling that she gave him fill his chest. He examined it, but it came up undefined and a mystery. The next things he said had been turned over in his mind, and still he faltered as he fought to find the perfect syllables. Never feel bad for the ones who keep you company and watch over you. Your too good, sweet to be unappreciated. And that was it, she was too good. Her heart to pure and him to scarred. He wondered if that was why she made him feel different.

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