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Asariel smiled and sat down on the floor by the fire, shivering luxuriously as the heat spread through her body. She watched Rendall prepare the hot water and wondered what she was doing. She didn't really like being here -- it smelled like DaVinci and she didn't really like him, and she couldn't help but wonder if he would disapprove of her being in his home. Her eyes glanced at the young pup again, wondering how the subleader had come across her. She looked at her tattooed foreleg as the fur began to dry and return from wet-sand color to her normal golden hue.

"What are you making?" Asariel asked, her voice leaking curiosity. She'd never seen anyone make something by heating water to the point where it boiled. Her kind was learning, it was indeed. The young woman's eyelids felt heavy as the heat started sinking further, below her skin, and she momentarily, briefly, considered moving from her cozy spot, then decided against it. Though, the thought of dozing off and DaVinci finding her here did scare her a bit...


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