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Anya smelled the blood, so strong in her nostrils. She smelled the blood of the puma, but that blood was dying now. It didn't force the bloodlust upon her. The other blood smelled like Rendall....and Ty. Her breathing sped up, and she ran for them. She knew the area's herbs fairly well, and she could tell from Rendall's screams that someone was working on healing her. But Ty was still injured.

She burst into the clearing, seeing a male that she did not recognize working on fixing up Rendall. Xeris was also there, Anya noted, watching worriedly as the pup screamed in pain. Now she just looked frantically around for Ty.

The sight of the dead puma sent her into a brief flashback, one of an encounter that Malaki and she had had when they were pups. The loner shaman had come along and found them after the puma attack. Malaki was more injured than she was; he had thrown himself in front of her and distracted the puma.

The flashback ended soon enough, and Anya sighed in reief. Those flashbacks were still extremely hard to take, but she had to forget them for the time being and find Ty to help him.

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