If I could change, and keep the rain away

While Mati found comfort in his bright pelt, there was something very different in his demeanor. Was he uneasy? The girl could not believe that she could intimidate a soul, even though she was aware of her size. She could shadow his small frame, but inside the bulk of her mother’s lineage there was nothing but a small scared little girl afraid of shadows. But he spoke, and Mati perked as the syllable floated to her ears. She stepped forward, a small smile catching hold of her lips. Hiding it, Mati tried to keep her face smooth and emotionless.

No, of course not. She replied in surprise. What would he be doing that would bother her? Was it not normal to stop and make the acquaintance of a stranger? Though changed by her attack, it was impossible to smother the warm personality she had been born with. And his eyes oddly reminded her of that warmth. I was just thinking about going to the city. the Church girl admitted, letting her smile show. From the look on his face she couldn’t tell if he wanted to talk to her at all. But she wasn’t one to give up easily, and gave her name in the hope of receiving his. I’m Mati, from Crimson Dreams.


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