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Rendall amungst the darkness once more tried to relax, her frail body in the hands of Pendzez, she tried to focus on that though the tugging feeling was back, it seemed now that shewas being held in place, something or someone was holding on to her not just her body but her soul as well, Pendzezs voice seemed like it was right beside her, saying words in a language she never heard before.

though the darkness tugged at her limbs it seemed that she was just out of its reach. the burning had slowly subsided to a sting in her leg though she still couldnt move it, the puma in its anger probably snapped the bone like a tooth pick, she wanted to tell Pendzez but was still weak from the fight. it seemed like forever before she finally gained concious once more.

Everything looked the same as before, except Xeris was gone, the pup was stilled cradled in the big nobles arms and she could here talking. "Pendzez?" she said weakly, " Where...where is Xeris? and...and Ty...where is Ty?" she was practically studdering the pup was shaking so badly, she felt cold so she nuzzled the males chest and tried to curl up as much as she could but his hand was still on her chest.

She tried then to look around the sun gleamed off her blood stained highlights, small herbs were around her on the ground and the white wolfs arms hands and muzzle were stained lightly with blood, she touched his hand it was warmer than she remembered but she probably lost a few degrees in her fight.

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