Sugar and spice and puppy-dog tails

Violet eyes staring at the bird, Merit sunk low to the ground, just out of what he thought was the bird's field of view. He wanted to catch the irritating creature, and whenever the raven let out a squawk the boy took it as a challenge, and the fur alone his spine stood on end threateningly. He knew that the bird couldn't see the small wolf, and he was unsure why he wanted to look intimidating with that in mind, but he couldn't help it; it made him feel more confident, more like a predator. A predator hunting its oblivious prey.

But something startled the bird, and it let out a screech before taking flight. The boy's head quickly rose in surprise as he stared after the bird, his face falling in disappointment, along with the fur along his back. Damn it.

He was just about to glare at whomever had caused the bird to fly, when he realized just who the approaching pups were. A small smile crept upon his face, then, as he inspected the duo. Hey, you guys! His tail wagged as he moved toward them, taking a couple confident steps.


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