That Search Has Ended

thanks for waiting<3

Anu could only respond with a nod, the words were becoming difficult now, as if she was now lost in the place Cwmfen retreated or had been forced into. Yes, without one there could not be the other. It was impossible to only have one side, it was impossible to be entirely pure. They each had evil, it was only how they acted on those impulses that divided them from those that suffered at the hands of justice. And though she forgave her, Anu still felt as if she had brought something to the surface. it could be her small amount of evil, a selfishness that had driven her to attack one she had once loved and to shun Cwmfen from her lands. It was hid in her cowardliness. Maybe it was time to bring her own demons to the front, give more then she was taking. Anu let a soft sigh escape, and the images of her past came forward.

Maybe a child made darkness can still be turned to light? Anu responded. She thought of her own four. They had the genes of a rapist, and an insane beast. They had been brought into the world of love, and none of them have shown any sign of their father. Mati and her siblings were sired by a rapist. Anu paused and looked to the woman, maybe it was time for her to know a truth Anu had not spoke of for some time. Naniko and Conri were mates, and after Naniko conceived, he raped her. I met her when she was pregnant and helped raise them. They call me mother just as they do her. There was still a place for Naniko, a good place and it was deep in her heart. Blue eyes looked at the other woman, not truly knowing darkness as she did, but she also held a place for the male that had broken her former mate and it was not a place of brightness and it was far from good. It shone in her eyes, a pain that would never leave and a passion that had never died. There is nothing dark in them, though their father was capable of such things. I would like to think it was the circumstances in which they came into the world that makes them so. Anu could never know what they would do in the future, but there was light in each of them.


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