Bring me joy, bring me peace

Ruri's ears perked when Heath responded to her overflow of words. She didn't really blame Haku for what he did. He had been polite to her at first, until she had started to get scared, then he had left in a rather agitated mood. "I don't think it was his intention to take advantage of me. I think it's more the fact that he could have that makes me upset. Being vulnerable because of my blindness irritates me," she replied, her collie ears immediately flattening once more. However, when Heath spoke of what he thought of her ears perked up in surprise only to fall flat yet again in timidity, that same warmth and pink color rising up on her cheeks. "That's sweet of you to say. Jac told me something like that the other day. I guess I just forgot," she gave a quiet laugh brushing away the hair that had fallen back into her face. It wasn't because she couldn't see, for she regardless. She just didn't like the feeling of the hair in her eyes and on her face. Hearing Heath say something so nice to her made her feel good again, though still a bit irritated with her shortcomings. "I appreciate what you said Heath. Jac usually is the one who makes me feel better when I'm upset, but he hasn't been around here for a few days. You knew exactly what to say to make me feel better, and that means a lot," she replied, unwrapping her arms from around her knees and allowing her posture to relax. Then, similar to how she had done so before, the blind girl moved her hand in Heath's direction, her delicate, white-furred fingers outstretched to clutch his hand. However, this time, Heath would have to put his hand in a place where she could feel it, for she did not know where it was.

The pitter-patter of the rain was nothing but a pleasant background noise that played along with the events unfolding between the two optime's. Ruri's sensitive ears were drowning out almost all the outside noise, waiting to hear Heath's voice say something yet again. The only other person she waited on so readily was Jac. She was unaware that she was waiting with baited breathe to hear the male's voice, and to feel the touch of his hand. Such feelings were generally unfamiliar to the innocent, young duchess of Cour des Miracles. However, despite their unfamiliarity, Ruri didn't shy away from those feelings, but rather sought them out.



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