Sugar and spice and puppy-dog tails

When she did indeed catch sight of her brother, looking up at something, she was at first taken aback by the expression of almost irritation on his face - but it soon changed into welcoming as he looked over, and she didn't think any more of it. She pranced up to him, hoping he'd be pleased she brought his friend Empusa here into the packland, an action that could conceivably get her into trouble - but it was worth the risk. Merit hadn't even known that she knew Empusa. In fact when the two had met for the first time just minutes ago, Legacy had at first thought the coyote girl was on her way to find Merit and try to attack him. If she'd remembered this now she'd have felt slightly embarrassed, but there was no room for much other than joy in her greeting.

"Hey, Merit," she said simply enough. "Look who I've found! It's your friend Empusa... Lykoi," she said, almost not remembering the name. The lively puppy couldn't help but be pleased with herself for finding them both and orchestrating this gathering, but it all depended on his reaction, for if he was unamused it would fall rather flat. Despite this sobering thought, her tail still waved cheerfully as she smiled at him.


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