Bring me joy, bring me peace
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He began to question his intentions, his reaction towards her. Was this a mask? She knew not the things he did, or who he was and yet his said theses things to her. Types of things he had never said to anyone. Yes, he could be pleasant and was normally nice to those that didn’t pose as a threat or a challenge. But not like this, not genuine. He didn’t want it to be a shadow over his normal self; he wanted this to be who he was, even if it was just with her. He wanted to be a male that said what he felt, and could be kind and gentle. As she spoke his listened, watching her and reading her posture. She spoke just as loudly in her form as she did her words and voice. Her scent even seemed to change, the moment she became scared or nervous. Everything about her seemed to surround him, her scent the sound of her voice, and the sight of her.

He wanted to change it, fix it for her. But no one would ever be able to that, and it brewed a small fire of anger in his chest. He didn’t even know how he could help her. He did not belong here, had no claim and no home. Maybe he would hear her, be close enough to hear her voice if she ever called. He could stay close, and wait, listening for the slightest hint of her voice. The male stayed silent, watching as she let her face be shown. Its true, and I mean it. His voice soft, and oddly kind. He hadn’t said it just to say it. Or because he knew that she would like the words, he knew what to say to make her happy but this was something that he truly believed in. He saw her hand, the white of her palm against the merle hue of her coat. It searched for his, and he watched it with his honey colored gaze. Slowly, the black furred paw reached for hers. He was tentative, but touched her soft hand with his rough scarred paw. He waited for her to jump at the touch, knowing that she could be uneasy with such contact.

Someone told me you have a singing voice… The boy bravely spoke, looking at their contrasting hands. He would wait till she held it before applying any pressure. He could tell know, just as she spoke to him that her voice was made for singing. He smiled, thinking about her abilities rather then the ones she lacked.

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