A flight of fancy on a windswept field
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ooc -

No worries. ^^ 376 words.

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Vigilante grinned sheepishly at her response to his voice, not quite surprised by her drastic reaction. The doggish man had, after all, snuck up on her, and he supposed she had every right to try to defend herself against any potential dangers. Her eyes were striking in appearance, though surprising. They were different colors, and vastly different from the dark fur that rimmed them. As were most of the females he saw, she was very pretty, and he would remember her features later, but her eyes were likely the most spectacular thing about her. The malamute mutt knew he would remember those eyes anywhere. Was it a common thing for wolves to have two differently colored eyes, so bright and vibrant in contrast to the rest of them? His own eyes were a muddied green-brown, and his sister’s had been similar, but then, they were dog mixes, and not at all wolves. His nieces and nephew, being half wolf instead of all dog, all had brighter eyes. It must be a wolf trait, then, he decided with certainty. He had never seen a dog’s eyes so bright.

“I do apologize, Miss. I certainly should not have snuck up on you so, and you have every right to be. . . Jumpy.” His tone was formal, but friendly, and he said the last word slowly, as if he was testing the word out on his lips. He smiled, tongue lolling gently from the left side of his narrow muzzle, teeth glistening as he surveyed the strange metal beast once more. Buttons and knobs, indeed, it seemed. Humans were such strange creatures! What would they have done with this. . . Machine? Yes, he believed that to the proper term for what this was. A machine of sorts, used to do something that humans could not - or would not, maybe - do by themselves. Of the few things he knew of humans, he knew that they were very lazy, using things called machines to do what they wanted to do, instead of actually doing them. “Have you tried pressing or turning any of the buttons or knobs, perhaps?” Vigilante stepped closer, lifting a hand to touch the cool metal as his ebony companion had, smiling at her once more.


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