Closer, shadow, volume strikes

Sometimes she could be lost in the memory. While she slept dreams would come and he would be there, waiting for her. Calling her name and talking softly as he had. He would always ask with a polite tone, but the ending wasn’t always the same. At times she would run, though he caught her. Other times Onus would rescue her before her could lay a hand on her. And then she would allow it. She was whiling and stepped into the darkness with a smile. That was the worst of endings. As she slept she prayed that she would die; he would kill her before she said yes.

Lannen spoke, the words calm and caring. Mati nodded, she knew that he cared. Though the girl had not thought about it until now. He cared, but who was she to him? He had helped her so much, and yet she had done nothing for him. His next thought made her look to him with soft violet eyes. She looked at his face, his white features glowing in the night that surrounded them. She smiled, true and genuine. Shaking her head slightly she spoke. Its ok. The words soft but honest. It was all right to ask, to want to know. He cared about her after all, he only wanted to know if she was ok. It’s getting easier, to talk about it. Mati admitted. I just don’t want anyone else hurt by him, especially because of me. No one needed to try and find him in her name, there needed to be no revenge. The beast would see his fate soon enough, Mati was sure of it.


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