[P]romised Art

OOC: Terribly sorry for the delay here! 300+

He furtively looked everywhere before leaving the house he shared with his mate. Although this particular meeting involved no alcohol, it did pose some problems, especially if Haku got wind of it. Lubomir knew what he had to do. Be quiet, be stealthy and say nothing, not even to Mew, until the deed was done. As far as he was concerned, Haku had nothing to do with his agreement with Hanna. That had been strictly between the two of them and although she had crossed pack borders with Lubomir in tow, the male did not believe he had genuinely done something wrong. He was a scholar and pacifist. He was also the pack Ambassador and his job was to keep good relations among Dahlia and others wolves. He assumed this meant those who belonged to packs or not, position be damned.

The figure of his friend was easy to find once he was out of packlands. A grin split his face at the sight of her and all her tools. They intrigued him, definitely, for he had never seen something quite like this. As far as he could make an educated guess, the wolves in Europe were slightly more advanced, their tools more professional. Still, he trusted Hanna and her skill and he would never second-guess her decisions, no matter how hard they may be to face. He was staking not only his life, health and body, but also his place in Dahlia. He wondered if Cercelee and Cwmfen would see things his way. Shaking himself, Lubomir did not allow himself to show any outward signs of distress. Why worry her now? Hanna, good day, my lady. How are you? I see you're all set. He looked over his shoulder. Is this safe enough for you? As always, he wanted her to be comfortable, not himself.


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