She ran until her feet refused to hold


She wondered if her sister had thought this through fully. Did she think of the pup, their pack’s pup. Yes she belonged to Kansas and Savina, but also to Crimson Dreams, just as Mati did. When she had been hurt her mothers had comforted her, sought to protect her and ease her fears, but so had Savina. The wolfess was like an aunt to her, as close as blood. She felt the same sort of connection with Cambria. When there was a birth, they became children of the pack. Each member held just as much responsibility for their care as the mother and father. It was the core reason that wolves banned in the numbers that they did. With their spear and blades hunting was no longer a group affair. But it would always take a village to raise a child.

I was there. I took Cambria into my own arms. And it doesn’t matter where she put that stuff, or how it was exposed. It was there and it shouldn’t have been. That is the point Brooklyn. Mati felt the fire rise in her voice. She did not like that she was accusing Kansas and Savina, they were not the culprits and neither was Cambria. Did our mothers watch us every waking hour? It would ridiculous if they did. Mati answered her own question, still no backing down. Her breath was heavy, but she calmed her pounding heart and felt the tension weaken. Her voice grew sad, as thoughts of their birth mother ran through he mind. Momma is sick. I know she didn’t do this on purpose, but she cant come home. Not like that. Not as an addict.


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