will you still kiss me the same
D'awww, I don't want Savi to get angry with him ;.; 300+

The woman was still a mess. She did her best to hide it on the outside, putting on a strong face for the pack, but internally she felt lost in a whirlwind. Cambria seemed to be doing a little better, and for that she was thankful. Her brother and sister were doing a good job of trying to cheer up their depressed sibling. Right now the three pups were asleep and she had asked Mati to keep an eye on them while she went out for some fresh air. She was still having a hard time digesting everything that had occurred. Naniko had been her best friend, like a sister, and she felt as though she had lost her forever. They had had their problems, but Savina could have never guessed that something like this would ever drive them apart. The words that had been spoken that day still angered and hurt her.

As she had walked downstairs she had caught the scent of her mate in the main area heading out to the front porch. It seemed they hadn't talked much since the accident. That was her fault if anyone's. She had sort of retreated into herself, trying to be strong enough to do what had to be done. But she needed his comfort. She needed him to stand beside her as much if not more than she needed Anu to. No doubt he needed comfort too. It was their daughter that had been harmed. Hopefully he wasn't blaming himself for any of it.

The raven fey nosed open the door and padded over to where he lay on the porch. Once she stood beside him she buried her nose in the thick fur of his scruff. She fought to hold back tears, her composure quickly cracking in his presence. Her body laid down next to his and she leaned into him, eyes still closed. "I need you," she whispered to him. Surely he knew that she had done only what she had needed to do. That she hadn't wanted to force Naniko out. They couldn't risk the safety of the pack and of their children though.


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