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Pendzez showed appreciation of the thanks', but he didn't want them to. He would be happy to know that Rendall was safe. That was all he asked for after this trouble. He looked down at the Rendall that was still curled up in his arms and he smiled. She was safer with him. But why didn't she see the animal? Maybe she wasn't concentrating, but what had her attention? It didn't matter. She was safe and sound now.

Pendzez looked up at his friends and the new female. He needed a bath in the stream to wash the blood off of his pelt. The red doesn't go good with it. The scent made him sick. "Can we please hurry, if we can? The stream is over there," he said as he moved his to the direction of the stream. North, where he was pointing his head to. Rendall needed to be washed to get the blood off her too. DaVinci is going to have a fit.

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