A flight of fancy on a windswept field

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Sorry for the wait. This is... fairly ramble-y, for all its shortness. And it's finished now. My apologies for not getting back to it sooner.

Let me show you the wonders of life

To her relief, he did not attack her. He instead smiled very charmingly and acutally apologized to her. She had expected he'd at least react, would get defensive, but he seemed to have expected her actions. It put her at ease, in a way, although she thought perhaps she should be concerned that he didn't move away or something.

He smiled again, lolling his tongue, and she couldn't keep from grinning back, studying him as he'd studied her. He was well-made, seemed strong, sure of himself, and she couldn't keep her eyes from trailing up from his feet to his face as she did. She looked steadily into his eyes, noting the green color. It was striking for all it was different from hers.

He asked if she'd tried pushing any of the buttons inside and Hanna shook her head as he stepped closer. She stepped a little closer still to him, leaning casually against the side of the plane. "No; I'd only just climbed up into the seats when you came in. Would you like to climb up with me this time? We can find out what the buttons do together."

There was a strange quality to Hanna's voice, a smoothness that she didn't normally find, though the woman didn't understand why. She worked to keep a thoughtful frown from creasing her brow, then hoisted herself upwards into the cockpit again, sliding over to the left-hand seat to give her companion room if he chose to come in. The space between the seats was almost non-existent, and this didn't perturb her at all.

Then she pinpointed the cause of her voice change. Was Hanna... flirting?


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