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"Well...I bet you do a great job helping in what you are doing..." However, Ty pondered that sentence, and thought up a new question fro Geneva. "Well...come to think of it, what is your job here at Pheonix Valley? Something diplomatic? Something respected I bet. A woman like yourself seems like a respectable person, with an important duty to the pack. So, what do you do?" He rolled back onto his stomach, now having grass and dirt in his fur, acting slightly like a youthful pup. But then again, why shouldn't he? He was still fairly young, and even though he had gone through war and trading overseas, he still had a cheerful childish innocence every now and again. His tail now wagged back and forth with that same childish excitement, for some reason, he felt really happy around Geneva, she seemed more motherly then he thought, and seeing as how his mother was not around, she seemed to work for him.

However, Ty's energy suddenly left and he immediately went into warrior mode once he heard rustling nearby, tensing all his muscles up to strike. It wasn't something he could turn on and off like a switch, despite being cheerful he still had the underlying combat-veteran within him, keeping him fierce and lethal when the time came. He had been used to ambushes as he turned his head to the direction of the noise. However, it was most likely a passing deer or something, if it got any closer, he'd feel more threatened, but for now he relaxed his suddenly tense muscles and continued talking with Geneva.

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