[html]When Selene had come to her den she hadn’t known what to think. Sure, her sister visited her from time to time, but she usually hung around the borders before coming in. It was a strange behavior, a behavior that made her wonder a bit. She’d invited the girl inside to talk for a moment, and then, with the girl's urging, started off with her toward Storm. As they walked, Selene explained the problem to her—about the cougar attack and what Phoenix was acting like now. It was obvious that the alpha was sick, but how sick? She’d brought as much stuff as she could carry; in case one thing didn’t work, she could try another.

She thought about more remedies while she walked. In all reality, she would have to see him before she could decide what to use to help him.

They reached Storm after a ways of walking. She didn’t dare run with all the herbs in her backpack…that could make the jars shift around, and possibly break, and the herbs could mix with one another. That wouldn’t be good. So they took a fairly good walking pace. She watched her sibling carefully as they went, noting the claw marks and obvious discomfort. She wasn’t sure if she should bring it up, but Selene would need some help, too. ”I can help you—with those marks. They might scar…but I think they should heal all right if you’d let me bandage them up...after I look at Phoenix we can sit for a moment. I’m surprised that you can even travel—it’s very strong of you. To come all the way to Clouded Tears to get me, when you’re hurt yourself.”

Naniko offered her a smile as they passed the Storm borders, back to Selene’s home pack. They reached Phoenix’s den in a few moments, and Naniko nodded to the wolves that were outside, biting her lip. She wouldn’t think about the complications here; the ‘what if’s’. She would do everything she could, and when she was done with that then they would just wait and see. The green eyed wolf ducked down into the den, going toward the alpha. [/html]

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