before you tell yourself

it's just a different scene

The others fell in around Phoenix as she backed away, going outside the den. The air out here was cold, compared to the relative warmth of the inside…freezing, really. Dierdre looked worriedly toward Pilot, then to her brother, who was laying beside the great alpha. She wanted to tell them that she knew what she was doing, and that she would be able to help Phoenix…but she couldn’t. She knew only what her mother had told her about herbs and illness, which was a very basic thing. She’d spoken with Naniko about herbs before a few times, though, and the Clouded Tears wolf had been able to answer all of her questions.

The girl saw Selene in the distance and she started to call out to her—but it seemed that the white Storm pup already knew what to do—she was heading toward Clouded Tears. It wasn’t long before she was back, with a large, recognizable female in tow. Dierdre greeted her politely when she approached, moving out of the way so that the bigger wolf could get inside the den. ”Do you need Icarus to move?” Oh my gosh…is it contagious? Icarus—“ She didn’t want him to get it. Or anyone else! ”He’s been like this for…I don’t know how long. Two days, I think. He doesn’t move a whole lot, and he hasn’t woken up. Sometimes he feels really hot, and other times he feels cold to the touch” She wanted to know if there was anything that the Tears wolf could do, but she knew that she’d have to have patience.


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