If I could change, and keep the rain away
thanks. he's got a purtyyy, pink, manly-man table to match, too! :] (400)

        Despite an appreciation for art, Jael had yet to truly adapt an artistic eye, seeing the world as one giant painting and drawing inspiration from the colors around him. One day he probably would, if he pursued painting and drawing and learned to observe everything around him as an artist, taking in everything and filing it away in his memory for later usage. But for now he saw everything as simply being—flat and dull as the rain continued to fall non-stop. Beauty he did observe in rare moments when truly awed by something the world presented to him, but he’d never use such a word to vocally describe it. Fiery eyes did take in the world, but not in depth or detail, for he’d yet to have any reason to. He was simply a dreamer and a thinker, wondering and pondering in his wasted time. Jael grinned slightly at the mention of sea-monsters. In history books older than he could even comprehend the monsters had been greater and scarier when fueled by pure imagination and ignorance. Giant dragons and demons that glided beneath the surface, coming to light only to steal whole ships away beneath the unforgiving waves. Fairy tales thought up by fear and dreams to frighten those who’d believe without truth.

        “That’s what makes it more exciting,” he replied, a light tone entering his usually apathetic voice. Emotion was rare for the boy in any form, shining through only when truly inspired by something in the world. He’d learned to hide himself away for a long time now, keeping distant and apart from his siblings and their hatred of him. The pale wolf moved along at a steady, fluid pace beside the girl as they headed for the city. “It’s alright,” he said, “I’m allowed to go into the city if I want to.” His rank was that of a spy, and so a brief disappearance wouldn’t be noted if he was gaining information for the benefit of the clan. Obviously, taking a walk with this girl to gather art supplies couldn’t be considered “information gathering,” but neither would he tell her of his current position within Inferni. It wasn’t a proper thing to say during a first encounter, that he was a spy sent from Inferni to observe the surrounding territories because he looked so much like one of them, alleviating mistrust with his snowy coat.


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