Bring me joy, bring me peace

she's singing the song called "The Call" by Regina Spektor. It's the song from the end of Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. I couldn't find a youtube link, but that's probably because I didn't look to hard

When Heath said that he would love to hear her sing, Ruri smiled happily. For the first time in the entire day she felt like singing, and it was a feeling she loved. She especially adored singing for those who wanted to listen, and Heath was one of those people. Her brow furrowed for a moment as she contemplated which song to sing for Heath before she finally thought of a song that she thought sounded pretty enough. She would have sung Fields of Gold, like she had at the pack meeting, but she had remembered a different song that sounded equally as pretty. She did not know the name of it, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was singing it well so that Heath would like it.

So, after clearing her throat, Ruri loosed the lovely lyrics with as much of a melody as she could manage with only her voice and the words. Her useless, pale blue eyes were shut as she focused intently on the song she was singing. She finished the entire song in a few minutes before opening her eyes again, not that it made a difference. The ivory and merle femme took a few deep breathes before turning in the direction of the male whose hand she still clutched tightly. "D-did you like it?" she questioned, her half-folded collie ears perked curiously. The delicate female didn't think she had messed the song up in any way, but she might have. What if he didn't like it? Oh that would be horrible. She didn't want to even think about it.



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