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"Something to that effect," Geneva said. The gray wolfess tried to keep busy, one way or another. If she wasn't out and about checking the interior of Phoenix Valley's lands, she was seeking knowledge in the library or venturing out to Halifax. Reading and writing were great sources of joy to the gentle woman. She wanted to make sure that there were plenty of resources available for those who wanted to learn. The gray wolfess was hungry for knowledge and could synthesize for hours, even days without speaking to anyone, just absorbing information that lead her to new ideas.

"I like to do a little bit of everything, you know? But as of right now, my official duty to is seeing to mentors and children." There wasn't much for her to do these days. There were two mentor pairs that she knew of at the moment - Pendzez mentored Rendall and Geneva mentored Addison. She smiled slightly, thinking of the impishly adorable young girl. She had grown a lot in the last few months. "I am Addison's mentor," she mentioned. "I do not know if you have met her, but she is a delightful girl. She has a lot of energy," she added wryly. Geneva did not know if Ty had met the young girl yet, but she assumed that he knew Jefferson. Jefferson was the girl's father figure, after all.

Geneva started as Ty's demeanor changed suddenly. The woman was on her feet before she could think of the movement. She stood slightly behind Ty and stretched to look around him. "What do you see?" Geneva grimaced, feeling slightly useless. The woman did not have a sense of smell, and was at a strict disadvantage at times like these. Her lime green eyes scanned the flora. She could only spy leaves and flowers, bright and gay, all around them. "I don't see anything," she said after a moment, turning back to him.

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