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"N...nothing, it's nothing." Ty said, listening as the creature moved away. "Whoever they are, they're leaving....I'm sorry, I'm just so used to being ambushed, old habits die hard I guess." He said with a cheerful chuckle as his demeanor returned to his normal, carefree self. "You can take the warrior away from the battle, but you can't take the battle out of the warrior." He joked, grinning lightly. It was strange how Ty would simply phase into his more focused persona, still him, just more aware and ready, something he had done for most of his adult life. And he was getting better at it too, which could only mean good things in Ty's future.

When she mentioned that she was mentoring another wolf, his ears perked up. A wolf he had never heard of before? That's something that always perked up Ty's curiosity, being the social butterfly that he was, so hearing a new possible friend was interesting to him. " I have not met miss Addison...though if she's learning from someone like yourself, I can bet she is a sweet girl." He smiled ad nodded as he thought over what he had just said. "Yes...yes I bet she is." He changed his tone, kind of muttering it to himself as confirmation. "Wait...if you're old are you Geneva?" He asked her, suddenly realizing how mentoring was usually the job of an older wolf.

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