Myself, My Keeper
Selene found it easy enough to get along with others. But then that was just her outlook. She found a friend in everyone even if the other party didn't reciprocate the feelings. So far there didn't seem to be anything to deter her from her thoughts or feelings. Perhaps it was just the naivety of youth. Perhaps she would end up growing out of it on her own. So far that didn't seem like a possibility. But that was okya. She was enjoying her time as she was now.

"Mom always called my Dad Rom. Mr. Poer said my Dad's name is Roman." Not that she knew her dad had some other mate. Physe's mate could be someone different from her Dad. After all the female had spoken of a different name from the one of her father. But still... What if her Dad had been Physe's mate? Would that be why she had never met him? That her Father was with someone else? Still she didn't think that she would be abandoned like that. No, her Dad just didn't know about her.

"She is sick." That was the only way she knew to describe her Mother. She had been sick for awhile now. It was hard to tell if she was getting worse or better. She had her up days where she seemed to remember a few more things but it never lasted. All she knew of her Mother was that she was sick. That and some other things that Maestery had told her.

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