A little critique, mentors?
Maybe you could have the white patterns be a part of him becoming a werewolf instead of being bleached or chemically altered? In lots of lore, there's physical evidence of "werewolfism" even when the werewolves are in human form, like extra hair, eye color changes, etc.

This is assuming the SA says that sort of thing is alright here, though. I dunno, we have so many Luperci Ortus here that the Verto thing hasn't really been deeply explored--and it's plausible that a character could (sometimes but not always) experience some kind of appearance alteration following his/her first shift into werewolf form, hm? The RP guide doesn't say much on that subject.

So long as it didn't cause him/her to sprout nuclear green fur or some other weird color (which would probably be considered a "naturally vivid" color, and thus against the rules). But since your character's fur is simply going from white to black, that could be okay, but then again I don't know because there are unnatural patterns to it, too. xD

But yeah, if you wanted to use that idea, totally check with the SA first. XD

Oh, yeah. And obviously, I read your history. I like that you have it from his point of view; on the positive side of that you get a much better feel of the character's personality that way. On the negative side, there's not a whole lot to work on regarding the other characters in his history--but you did a really good job of avoiding that pitfall by having your character react to those important to him. :3 I agree that pretty much the only major flaw is the bleach thing; it does seem pretty random.

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