Bring me joy, bring me peace
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ohhh I found it! xD … should be wrap this one up? Heath is just about accepted!! Maybe we could have one after that…?

He waited patiently, but found that he was eager to hear her sing. The male couldn’t remember the last time he heard anyone sing, it must have been very early in his puphood. Ruri rose to the challenge, and he could tell that something grew from within and radiated from her features. It was a sort of confidence, a determination that he had yet to see from her. Remaining silent as she prepared herself Heath watched intently, noticing the changes that occurred on her face and in her body. No longer did she look like someone trying to hide within themselves. It might have been the feelings that he had shared with her, but it was obvious that she was entering her element as she prepared the words for the song.

Bright eyes closed, and she unleashed a voice that he couldt only describe as beautiful, though even that was not satisfactory enough to truly express it. The words flowed from her mouth as if she was part of each syllable, peaces of her heart and soul pinned to each of them, exposing them to the air with a faith-filled courage that Heath could never match. Her voice distracted him from the lyrics, but once he could look past it he heard the story within them. He smiled again, as he did so much when with her, and listened. It was a slow melody, but it sent her voice high and low. She sang of war, of leaving and of the return. It was fitting he thought, suddenly feeling that he when he left it wouldn’t be the last time they saw each other. He was sure he would return.

She questioned him, and Heath found that he was still lost within the song. Yes. He answered. Gold eyes looked from the light sky that she wore to the hands that held each other. He moved him, letting their fingers intertwine before bringing his other light hued paw to trace the outline of her ivory hand. He wished he understood how he felt when he sat with her. He wanted to know that this was who he was and it wasn’t something that shadowing his true self. Everything about her was different, her lack of sight, her fur, her features, her voice. But he could not believe that those things alone were responsible for the feeling she gave him. His words were lost, Its left me speechless. he confessed.

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