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OOC: Oh gosh, this is terrible, but I had to write something. Sorry Adam.

Asariel blinked in mild surprise and followed Ty to the rocks, sitting down on a dark hued boulder. She looked up at the canopy of trees, of which a couple branches were dripping from the previous rain. A water droplet leaped from the bough above her and landed on her nose, causing her to squeak in surprise. "Oh," she said, going cross eyed for a moment. Ugh, rain. It was wet and cold and horrible. Which again brought her to the realization that the earth needed it.

Asariel looked at Ty. What was she trying to do with him? She didn't want to hurt him, but she was lonely. So very, very lonely. She knew very well it wasn't fair to him, but what else was she going to do? Perhaps find some other person she didn't even really particularly like. But then that would make her feel bad. She sighed. either way it was a lose/lose situation.


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