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Hey, it still gives me something to reply to Big Grin

"Huh....thought the rain was over with....ah well." He said as he observed the tears of water falling from the sky. He shrugged it off like he did most things, not particularly minding the return of the raindrops. Climbing up onto the rock, he stretched out on it and closed his eyes, the rain was rather peaceful and calming to listen to, it put him at ease. Ty then opened one eye, noticing that Asariel had not come sit by him yet, probably because she had wanted to get out of the rain.

Ty honestly hadn't been all that bothered by the rain to begin with, it's not like it was really inconveniencing him. However, it was also partially that he had been so involved in talking to Asariel that it hadn't even crossed his mind. Sure, he'd be regretting it later when he got all soggy, but a quick bath or something would take care of his woes. What he did wonder was that Asariel was looking at, why she was staring at him so, like she was contemplating something. He frowned lightly, something was definitely troubling her, and he decided maybe he should find out what it was. But perhaps...somewhere more comfortable should suffice.

"Hey." He said as he rose his head to talk with her. "There is a cave nearby, would you like to go in there and get a little bit dry?"

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